Double inlet centrifugal snail fans, as the name suggests, are products that collect air from both the motor side and the opposite direction, expelling it through a single outlet. These fans can be used in various applications, whether as ventilation fans or blower fans, providing significant convenience to users.

In double inlet fans, the focus is generally on the discharge area, which is taken into consideration for performance evaluation. These fans deliver excellent results in both heating and cooling processes. Widely preferred for large spaces, they have a broad range of applications. By adjusting the direction of the fan body using the holes on it, you can redirect the airflow as desired.

With double inlet fans, you can easily integrate with air ducts in ventilation systems. Additionally, you can mount them wherever needed and start using them practically in a short amount of time.

Double inlet snail fans can be used effortlessly in many different industries. These fan systems, utilized for various purposes, provide significant advantages to users with their different types. ERF Group is a leading, reliable, and high-quality company in the industry. The primary goal in producing its products is always to meet customer satisfaction and demands. A company that efficiently produces high-quality solutions to its customers' needs and expectations progresses steadily and confidently in the industry. At ERF Group, we operate and evolve with this mindset.

In this article, we aim to provide you with information about double inlet fans, helping you make the right choice and own durable fans. If you would like to learn more about double inlet fans, you can visit our website and contact our expert team to make the best decision.

Now, let's explore the different types of double inlet fans, a topic of great interest. Here are the various types of double inlet fans:


High-Pressure Fans: These types of double inlet fans are frequently preferred in industrial applications. They are extremely powerful fans capable of meeting the high-pressure requirements.

High-Efficiency Fans: These fans are highly energy-efficient, providing low energy consumption during long-term use. They are ideal for applications requiring low energy consumption.

Low-Pressure Fans: These types of fans are commonly used in ventilation and cooling applications.

Custom-Designed Fans: Manufactured in specific dimensions and performance levels to meet particular industrial needs, considering many standards.

Soundproof Fans: Designed to be extremely quiet, these fans are suitable for applications requiring minimal noise levels.

With all these fan types mentioned above, you can benefit from the convenience of double inlet fans in both heating and cooling applications. If you are looking for high-quality double inlet fans that suit your needs, you can visit our website and easily purchase the product you desire.

What is a Double Inlet Fan?

Double inlet fans are designed to draw air from both sides and expel it from a single side. This design helps the fan operate more efficiently and maintain better balance.

Double inlet fans are widely used in ventilation systems and industrial applications for both heating and cooling purposes. They are frequently preferred in large-scale businesses or spaces due to the convenience they offer and their easy installation.

Features of Double Inlet Fans

Double inlet fans, which draw air from two directions and expel it from a single point, are widely used today due to their many features and suitability for both heating and cooling applications. Here are the most well-known features that make double inlet fans a popular choice:

  • Drawing air from both sides and expelling it from a single point at a much higher flow rate.
  • Easily used in high-pressure applications and capable of transmitting air over long distances due to this pressure.
  • Reducing energy consumption, leading to high efficiency and significantly lowering costs in the areas where they are used.
  • Providing uniform airflow, which positively impacts the overall performance of the system.
  • Versatile use in various applications such as ventilation, heating, and cooling.
  • Frequently preferred due to models that operate with minimal noise.
  • Manufactured from highly durable materials, ensuring long-term use.
  • Easy installation and simple maintenance, offering significant convenience to users.

Advantages of Double Inlet Fans

Double inlet fan systems provide significant convenience and advantages to the areas where they are used and to their users. Some of the advantages offered by double inlet fans are as follows:

  • High Airflow
  • Balanced Air Distribution
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Flexibility and Application Variety
  • Durability
  • High Pressure
  • Advanced Sound Insulation

Thanks to these advantages, double inlet fans are frequently preferred in large spaces. If you want to own high-quality double inlet fans that provide long-term savings, you can visit the ERF Group website, explore our products, and gain detailed information.

Usage Areas of Double Inlet Fans

Double inlet fans, known for providing significant advantages and convenience to users, can be used in a wide variety of areas. Here are the most common usage areas for double inlet fans:

  • Ventilation Systems
  • Heating and Cooling Systems
  • Cooling Towers
  • Industrial Applications
  • Electronic Cooling
  • Agriculture and Greenhouses
  • Ignition Systems

In the usage areas listed above, double inlet fans offer considerable benefits. These fan systems are commonly used for heating, cooling, or ventilation, meeting various needs effectively and efficiently.

Double Inlet Fan Prices

Double inlet fans, which draw air from two directions and expel it from a single point, are frequently preferred due to the advantages they offer. However, there are many factors to consider when purchasing these fan systems, with the most important being their prices. Double inlet fan prices vary based on the brand, model, size, capacity, and features.

In addition, the chosen manufacturer plays a significant role in determining the prices of these products. To access current prices and obtain the best quality products at affordable prices, you can contact these companies through online sales platforms for the most accurate information.

At this point, you can visit the ERF Group website and contact our expert team to gather the necessary information about double inlet fans.